How to Overcome Dandruff

Shown in front of many people is the perfect dream of many people. Especially for young executives or workers who are always interacting with many people, the prime display is one thing that must be maintained.

The perfect look will certainly interfere with the scattering of dandruff stuck to the clothes, and makes the loss of a sense of pe de for people who develop dandruff.

Dandruff or also known as dandruff or pityriasis capitis with the scientific name is excessive flaking of dead skin that occurs on the scalp. Actually, skin cells die and flake off is something that naturally happens when the numbers a bit.

The cause of dandruff is the fungus Malassezia furfur and Pytosporum ovale fungus. Fungus is a trigger factor abnormalities on the scalp so that the resulting acceleration of the exfoliation of dead cells on the scalp flake-shaped silver-colored whitish or grayish, sometimes accompanied by intense itching on the scalp.

Factors such as excessive sweating, stress, cold weather, use gel and hair sprayer is excessive, use of hair dye products, or less maintain the cleanliness of the scalp is a factor that exacerbates the appearance of dandruff.

Some ways to overcome dandruff:

Avoid scratching your scalp to avoid blisters on the scalp that will exacerbate dandruff.
Use of anti-dandruff shampoo that contains the active ingredient Zinc pyrithione (ZPT) regularly.
Perform the turn of anti-dandruff shampoo that you use to avoid the resistance of the fungi that cause dandruff.
Avoid stress.
Do not use gel, hair oil or hair spray excessively.
Maintain cleanliness and health of hair and scalp, eat foods that contain vitamin B, for example, nuts, whole grains and dark green vegetables.
Consumption of food also containing zinc to maintain the activity of oil glands, such as fish, egg yolks, meat, soy and grains.
If still stubborn you can visit the doctor, for further handling of your dandruff.
Thursday, November 10, 2011 | 0 komentar | Read More

This is the Time Is Right For Love

For husband and wife making love is a moment has been waiting for. The activities of sex will be more warm and more enjoyable when done in a timely manner.

Amid the bustle of the husband or the wife, especially when they both worked would be difficult to determine the exact time to make love, but love any activity activities must still be done. Within 24 hours of course there are some time used for sex, among others:

1. In the morning

Between the hours of 5:00 to 08:00 is the time for men to have sex. After waking up in the body condition of fresh and excellent condition. Besides, at that hour the male hormone testosterone is in the high-high condition, and for the wife also in a condition fit body after waking up.

2. daytime

During the day until late afternoon is also a good time to make love. After lunch and rest a while would be nice if love be continued with the activities.

3. night

After the activity is resolved in the afternoon, after the body relaxed in spite of all the work, especially the children had slept all, is the right time for husband and wife for making love.
Thursday, November 10, 2011 | 2 komentar | Read More

Consider Your Body Movement

Almost every moment of our body to make movements even when we sleep though, yes because we still are living things: D, whether it was just nodding your head or lift an object.

Sometimes the movement we do it excessively or any movement that causes pain or injury to the muscles or injuries to other parts of the body or body part we are sick to get sicker.

Some things that need to be taken to avoid injury or mitigate injury include:

Lifting goods. Know the power of your body, lift the goods according to your abilities and do not push yourself beyond remedy to lift weights your body strength. To lift items that are on the floor better bend your knees so that you are in a squatting position, do not take anything heavy with a bent position to avoid back injuries.
Sit back. Avoid sitting for long periods. Stretch every 20 to 30 minutes. Avoid sitting in a chair that is too soft.
Stand up. Avoid standing in one position and in a long time, especially for women, avoid the use of shoes with high heels in a long time to menghinari injury to the leg.
Drove. Use the seat belt to avoid injury to the neck bone. Adjust your seat position in accordance with the posture of your body so you feel comfortable. Do not drive in the long term. Give your body a chance to stretch and rest.
Sleep. Consider your mattress or bed. The mattress has a lifetime or a certain age and should be replaced. Mattresses that are too loud or too soft is not good for your health.
Thursday, November 10, 2011 | 0 komentar | Read More

To-Know More To Close

The main ingredient to make the pudding is now gelatin is mostly sold in powder form. While in the 1970s, is still sold in the form of bars. This powder with water, then stirred and cooked until boiling and the gelatin is dissolved. Subsequently cooled to harden. It was easy to manufacture and which must be rich in fiber and nutrients.

Many people do not believe that the gelatin rich in fiber. "Fibers from where?" They apparently do not know if it's powdered gelatin derived from seaweed extract, which is algae or algae in the dry. Algae used is a red algae that grow in tropical seas. Because seaweed is rich in fiber, when used as automatic powder agar was still rich in fiber only in the form that has been refined.

Not only fiber, seaweed gelatin is also rich in vitamins and some minerals such as iron, iodine, calcium, zinc is also needed by the youth in their growth and health in general.
Thursday, November 10, 2011 | 0 komentar | Read More

Number of Children Infected by AIDS From Mother Down

December 1 is celebrated as World AIDS day. This warning is intended to arouse our awareness of the AIDS epidemic caused by the spread of the HIV virus.

UNAIDS reported in the UNAIDS Report On The Global AIDS Epidemic 2010 that during the year 2009, 370 thousand children acquired HIV from their mothers throughout the world. This number decreased when compared with 2001, amounting to 500 thousand. This decrease, mentioned in the report, due to the efforts of some countries to prevent the transfer of HIV from mother to child. "Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, and Swaziland has provided more than 80 percent of antiretrovirals to prevent transmission from mother to child," said UNAIDS in the report.

Preventing is better than cure. Avoid AIDS by adopting a healthy lifestyle, especially the sexual life.
Wednesday, November 09, 2011 | 0 komentar | Read More

Nutritional substances needed by the body

In conducting human activities require energy as a fuel for activity. Energy sources is obtained through the foods we eat. Food contains various elements which the elements are there that are useful and some are not beneficial to our bodies. Various substances can be enzymes, nutrients or toxins (toxin).

Nutrients are elements contained in food that provide benefits for human health. Each food consumed has a different nutrient content. Nutrients contained in these foods vary from one food to another. Such differences may be the type of nutrients contained in food, as well as the amount of each nutrient.

Energy requirements are different for each person. Varies depending on age, gender and physical activity. Children need nutrients for its development were adults need to keep your body healthy and quality.

The following comparison of some of the needs of energy / calories based on gender, physical activity and age:

children, adult women who are not much activity, and older adults need about 1,600 calories / day
adolescents, active women and men who are not active require about 2000 calories / day
teenage boys and active young adult men need about 2400 calories / day

To meet the energy needs we need to know what nutrients are contained in the food we eat. Nutrients can be grouped into a few things that is based on its function, based on the amount needed by the body and based on its source.

1. Based on its function

Each nutrient has a specific function. Each of these nutrients can not stand alone in building and running the body's metabolic processes. However, these nutrients have a variety of different functions.

a. Nutrients as an energy source

As an energy source of nutrients beneficial to move the body and metabolic processes in the body.

Nutrients are substances that belong to the function is to provide energy are carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Foodstuffs which serves as an energy source such as: rice, corn, taro is a source of carbohydrate; margarine and butter is a source of fat: fish, meat, eggs and so is a source of protein.

These three nutrients is to contribute energy to the body. Nutrients is a producer of energy that can be used for movement and physical activity and metabolism in the body activities. But the largest contributor to the energy of the three elements of the nutrient is fat.

b. Nutrients for growth and maintain body tissues

These nutrients have functions sebgai-forming cells in human tissue. If the lack of this nutrient to consume the human growth and development will be hampered. Besides these nutrients also serves to replace the body's cells are damaged and maintain organ function.

Nutrients included in this group are proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins. But the nutrients that have a dominant source in the growth process is protein.

c. Nutrients as regulators / regulatory processes in the body

Metabolic processes in the body need the settings so that a proper balance. It required a number of nutrients to regulate the course of metabolism in the body.

The body needs a balance, to the metabolic processes that occur in the body need to be properly managed.

Nutrients that serves to regulate metabolic processes in the body are minerals, vitamins, water and protein. But that has a function as our primary regulator substances are minerals and vitamins.

2. Based on the number

Based on the amount of nutrients needed by the body divided into two, namely:

a. Macro nutrients

Macro nutrients are nutrients needed in large quantities with units of grams. Nutrients which include groups of macro nutrients are carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

b. Micronutrient

Micronutrient is a nutrient the body needs in small amounts or small, but there is in food. Nutrients including the micronutrient group minerals and vitamins. Micronutrients in units of mg for most minerals and vitamins.

3. Based Sources

Based on the source of nutrients is divided into two, namely vegetable and animal
Wednesday, November 09, 2011 | 0 komentar | Read More

Baby Can Photographed?

Noting the development of the baby at all times is very pleasant for each pair of parents. Moreover, if the development is enshrined into the video or photos, so it can be unforgettable memories.

Especially with today's technological developments video recorders and digital cameras become an easy means to capture the beautiful moments associated with the growth and development of our children.

On the use of the camera either digital cameras or analog cameras often have a flash light or flash lights are useful to help get good pictures which usually is one of the facilities built from the camera.

Is a flash flash flash or disrupts the health of our children? Flash of light flash of light turns out to have almost equal strength with the power of sunlight is about 6000 degrees Kelvin. While babies under the age of 4 months has not been perfect eyesight and vision improvements are in the process. With too many times in photos using a flash light or flash in fear will disrupt the function of vision is not perfect. So it's best if we want to capture photos, especially children who were aged under 4 months do not use flash. Photograph in a well lit room so no need to use flash.
Wednesday, November 09, 2011 | 0 komentar | Read More

Alcohol and Cancer

According to the Cancer Institute of New South Wales, Australia, alcohol can lead to cancer. By drinking two glasses of alcohol setap day will increase your risk of liver 17%, 7% of gastric cancer, cancer of the mouth and pharynx to 75%, 50% of esophageal cancers, 40% of laryngeal cancer, cancer of the colon (large intestine 64%.

In addition, women who like to drink alcohol, would be more at risk for breast cancer. If you drink a lot, even higher risk. While men, would increase the risk of rectal cancer to 79%.

Seeing this risk, the Australian government warned its people to drink alcohol less than 2 cups per day.

The many disadvantages of drinking alcohol for the health of the human body, do not be surprised if the religion of Islam forbids Muslims to consume alcohol.
Wednesday, November 09, 2011 | 0 komentar | Read More

A Giant Asteroid Approaching the Earth Lusa, Threaten Earth?

An asteroid larger than an aircraft carrier, or four times the big ball field will pass between Earth and Moon, Tuesday, November 8, 2011. He is in a distance of closest approach to Earth in a period of 35 years. Asteroid 2005 YU55, will float within a range of 201,700 or about 325,000 miles - into the orbit of the Moon. Previously, he was known to within "a stone's throw" with the Earth 200 years ago.

How much danger to humans?

Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Purdue University, Jay Melosh, an estimate if it hit Earth, it creates 2005 YU55 crater roughly four miles or 6.4 kilometers and within 1700 feet or 520 meters. He also could trigger a magnitude 7 earthquake and tsunami waves as high as 70 feet.

However, Melosh said the asteroid, discovered in 2005 was not harmful to the Earth. The U.S. space agency, NASA also has ensured that the asteroid 2005 YU55 no harm. "We are very sure, 100 percent sure, this asteroid is not a threat," said Director of the Near Earth Object Program at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Don Yeomans, of NASA as the site loaded.

If Earth is in danger, what about the Moon? Therefore, the trajectory of 2005 YU55 actually closer to the Earth's satellite. Yeomans said the asteroid was also not going to hit the Moon. When passing a giant space rock with a speed 13 kilometers per second, one-quarter Moon will be on his travels in the opposite side of Earth.

If hitting the Moon, says Yeomans told Life's Little Mysteries, it will not cause great damage, even though "will create a crater of the collision, at least as wide as 4 kilometers". That's significant, but still small compared with the countless other moon crater. Astronomers classify as asterodi 2005 YU55 as type C, containing carbon. "Not just a stone like the others," said Yeomans.

Such asteroids are believed to have collided with Earth in the past, bringing carbon-based materials and also water to Earth early in its formation. The threat of such a collision with an asteroid is thought likely to occur within 100 thousand years or more.

In addition to 2005 YU55, a giant asteroid will pass close to Earth as well. His name: Apophis. Which some people called a "carrier doomsday". With a length of 269 meters, he will be in very close proximity to Earth on April 13, 2029, but not to hit. However, when returning passed on 13 April 2036, he had a slim chance to nudge the Earth.
Tuesday, November 08, 2011 | 0 komentar | Read More

All-in-One 3D 620 TouchSmart PC with 23 inch 3D Display

HP's TouchSmart series of productive producing All-in-One PC, which has just launched a new type of 320, 420 and 520 last September. This time its HP also launched HP TouchSmart 620-1080 3D is an upgrade HP TouchSmart 610 has been introduced in May 2011, with 23-inch 3D display that can rotate up to 180 degrees and leans up to 60 degrees, then there is a built-in 3D webcam , integrated Beats audio technology, the latest generation of dual-or quad-core Intel Core and AMD discrete graphics processor Radeon HD 6670A.

Following the trend of the consumer electronics industry, HP has done everything possible to enhance the 3D experience diTouchSmart 620: in addition to 3D webcam (see picture) unit features TriDef Ignition Game Player to play 3D games and users can convert 2D images to 3D with the click of a button.

In addition, the software from HP enables wireless users to access content on their notebook from the HP TouchSmart. Then TouchSmart 5.0 provides an easy interface for users of Windows application that allows browsing and HP in the same environment.

HP TouchSmart 620-1080 3D will be available exclusively at HP Home & Home Office on November 15, with prices ranging from $ 1.899.
Tuesday, November 08, 2011 | 0 komentar | Read More