Baby Can Photographed?

Noting the development of the baby at all times is very pleasant for each pair of parents. Moreover, if the development is enshrined into the video or photos, so it can be unforgettable memories.

Especially with today's technological developments video recorders and digital cameras become an easy means to capture the beautiful moments associated with the growth and development of our children.

On the use of the camera either digital cameras or analog cameras often have a flash light or flash lights are useful to help get good pictures which usually is one of the facilities built from the camera.

Is a flash flash flash or disrupts the health of our children? Flash of light flash of light turns out to have almost equal strength with the power of sunlight is about 6000 degrees Kelvin. While babies under the age of 4 months has not been perfect eyesight and vision improvements are in the process. With too many times in photos using a flash light or flash in fear will disrupt the function of vision is not perfect. So it's best if we want to capture photos, especially children who were aged under 4 months do not use flash. Photograph in a well lit room so no need to use flash.

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