Nutritional substances needed by the body

In conducting human activities require energy as a fuel for activity. Energy sources is obtained through the foods we eat. Food contains various elements which the elements are there that are useful and some are not beneficial to our bodies. Various substances can be enzymes, nutrients or toxins (toxin).

Nutrients are elements contained in food that provide benefits for human health. Each food consumed has a different nutrient content. Nutrients contained in these foods vary from one food to another. Such differences may be the type of nutrients contained in food, as well as the amount of each nutrient.

Energy requirements are different for each person. Varies depending on age, gender and physical activity. Children need nutrients for its development were adults need to keep your body healthy and quality.

The following comparison of some of the needs of energy / calories based on gender, physical activity and age:

children, adult women who are not much activity, and older adults need about 1,600 calories / day
adolescents, active women and men who are not active require about 2000 calories / day
teenage boys and active young adult men need about 2400 calories / day

To meet the energy needs we need to know what nutrients are contained in the food we eat. Nutrients can be grouped into a few things that is based on its function, based on the amount needed by the body and based on its source.

1. Based on its function

Each nutrient has a specific function. Each of these nutrients can not stand alone in building and running the body's metabolic processes. However, these nutrients have a variety of different functions.

a. Nutrients as an energy source

As an energy source of nutrients beneficial to move the body and metabolic processes in the body.

Nutrients are substances that belong to the function is to provide energy are carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Foodstuffs which serves as an energy source such as: rice, corn, taro is a source of carbohydrate; margarine and butter is a source of fat: fish, meat, eggs and so is a source of protein.

These three nutrients is to contribute energy to the body. Nutrients is a producer of energy that can be used for movement and physical activity and metabolism in the body activities. But the largest contributor to the energy of the three elements of the nutrient is fat.

b. Nutrients for growth and maintain body tissues

These nutrients have functions sebgai-forming cells in human tissue. If the lack of this nutrient to consume the human growth and development will be hampered. Besides these nutrients also serves to replace the body's cells are damaged and maintain organ function.

Nutrients included in this group are proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins. But the nutrients that have a dominant source in the growth process is protein.

c. Nutrients as regulators / regulatory processes in the body

Metabolic processes in the body need the settings so that a proper balance. It required a number of nutrients to regulate the course of metabolism in the body.

The body needs a balance, to the metabolic processes that occur in the body need to be properly managed.

Nutrients that serves to regulate metabolic processes in the body are minerals, vitamins, water and protein. But that has a function as our primary regulator substances are minerals and vitamins.

2. Based on the number

Based on the amount of nutrients needed by the body divided into two, namely:

a. Macro nutrients

Macro nutrients are nutrients needed in large quantities with units of grams. Nutrients which include groups of macro nutrients are carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

b. Micronutrient

Micronutrient is a nutrient the body needs in small amounts or small, but there is in food. Nutrients including the micronutrient group minerals and vitamins. Micronutrients in units of mg for most minerals and vitamins.

3. Based Sources

Based on the source of nutrients is divided into two, namely vegetable and animal

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